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#Sponsor Link Tilter

Galileo galilei

he was born at 1564,in pisa. He studied in university pisa, but he must stopped it because finances affairs. Nevertheless, at 1589 he can thaught in that university.
galileo broke aristoteles's opinion which said "a heavy object is fall faster than a light object" whith his opinion "a heavy or light object are fall in the same speed except consequence of air friction which caused an air decreased" by some experiments (usually he did it unexpressly in tower of pisa). After that, galileo took the next step. He measured relating the object's distance (at fixed time) and got evidence that the distance was passing by a fall object is balanced proportional with number's quadrate it.
at 1609, he declare that he was same opinion whith copernicus about theory heliosentris. And that time, he heard that people in netherlands found a telescope. At 1632, galileo published the book which support theory of copernicus. But when the book was publishing, he got many critiques from people in authority. Because of it, his embargo wasn't forcing (although it's heard dimly).
he passed away at 1642 in arcetri town. And he left a big contribution to progress the science. He can change the world by his thinking, idea and soon. He is a genius people who ever live in the world, and untill now, his thinking still used.

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