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#Sponsor Link Tilter
#Sponsor Link Tilter

The performing of arts of central java are rich and varied. All classical dances and the arts are accompanied by the gamelan orchestra consisting of xylophone, gongs, drums, rebabs, and bamboo flute. The musicians sit cross-legged on the floor to play what many westerners find to be strange, atonal music because it based on five - note scale.
At one time, javanese classical dance was exclusively performed at court for the royal families. Nowdays, most children from solo have had classical dance lesson. Almost of the dancers are the bedoyo ketawang, the gembyong and the srimpi. The bedoyo ketawang only perform once a year by nine girls an anniversary of the reigning king's ascension throne, is a sacred court dance of the solo palace known since the early 17th century.

Found in: aec' english grammar book

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