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#Sponsor Link Tilter

The indonesian archipelago

Indonesian is an archipelago. It is the largest one. It lies between the pacific ocean and the indian ocean. This archipelago is flanked by two continents namely asia and australia.
  this archipelago consists of 13.667 islands. Its total land area is 1.905.453 square kilometers. From east to west it stretches 5.152 kilometers and from north to south 1.770 kilometers.
   there are five main islands in indonesia. They are java, sumatra or andalas, kalimantan or borneo, sulawesi, and papua, and the western part of new guinea. The capital city of indonesian is jakarta. This city becomes the center of goverment and economic activities.
     the climate in indonesian is tropical with high humidity, slight changes in temperature and heavy rainfall. It is because indonesia lies along the equator. From november to february this country undergoes the wet season. The dry season prevails from june to september.
    we can see a large variety of plant and animal's life. Some species are endemic. They live in an island of pard of large island. Some wildlife reserves have been established by the goverment throughout the country. Those wildlife reserves are used to protect the rare species from extinction. The rare animals are the orangutan primates in sumatra and kalimantan, the komodo dragon in komodo island, the one horned-in west java, the pig deer and anoa, the dwarf buffalo in sulawesi and many different species of monkeys and birds.

Found in: aec' english grammar book

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